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Wednesday, July 8, 2015

John Tucker must die

There are some situations, where you just think, "why have I done something with that guy?" or "why have I trusted him?" The only Problem is you can´t turn the time back. Never. I know that you had an embarrassing, horrible or ridiculous situation where you just want to turn back time and change the Situation. That would be so awesome, but that would also say that we would run away. Not to fall down during your flee would not be difficult, but to stand up again would be the hardest Thing. The wisest Thing you could do is to confront your enemies or fear and if you fall just stand up again and again and again and again......... until you stand up.

A woman in a white tank top and bikini bottoms, with a lower back tattoo, which reads "John Tucker Must Die". Her right hand is behind her back, index finger pointing and others curled as if making a gun gesture.
Today I will present you a film that is really funny mixed with a love Story. The film is called "JOHN TUCKER MUST DIE". The film is about a really cool guy in high school. He is the basketball captain and the hottest guy in school. His name is John Tucker. The only thing is that he is dating 3 girls at the same time and when they find it out......! In that situation I wouldn´t like to be him. So Kate the "new girl" helps Heather, Callie and Beth to destroy John Tucker.

I would give the movie a 4.5 from a 5, because the film is really funny and the actor were really good, but at one scene I wish it would be better made.

This film is for days when you fall down. It will help you to stand up!

Bye for now,


PS: Here you will find the trailer to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvn8RCxGauQ

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