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Thursday, May 21, 2015

New start

Who never looked out of the window into the sky and thought "Why am I on earth?" Do I have a task? Well, I have often asked myself that question. But sometimes when you have a bad day you just think that life is like a marathon. Everytime you have to overcome and solve problems. Problems can be very annoying, but sometimes problems are a way to learn. Maybe to learn what you did wrong. Then you will not repeat it. Problems are there to begin new. A fresh start. A new life. New possibilities. I think internally everyone hopes to have a new start. Why not, I think it would help every human to start new. Well, you can start new in this life. Just do the things you love or change the things you dislike. You can make the decisions. So, go and change your life!

Today I will present you a great film. I already told you that I almost never cry, but at this film it was close. "A Little bit of heaven" is a romance and dramatic film, but is goes more in the tragedy direction. It is about a woman, called Marley, who is sick. She has cancer. The film is about how she cope with her disease and how she change her life. Of course there is a love story.

I will give the movie a 8.5 from a 10, because I think in the film there is a little bit of action missing, but the film is sad, well played and touching. This film can be your new start.

Bye for now,

Your Ella

PS: Here you will find the trailer to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUW60Qf1Bm8

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Miss Undercover

Beauty. Beauty is overrated. Really, sometimes I think that the human are splited into three groups. The beautiful people, the people, who aren´t beautiful and aren´t ugly and then the people, who aren´t beautiful. I mean isn´t that stupid. Why? I mean everyone is beautiful on their one way. When there are people who say something about your look. Don´t listen. Ok, not listening is very difficult, but just repeat the words in your mind: I am beautiful, I am special ,I am me. I am beautiful, I am special, I am me. I am beautiful, I am Ssecial, I am me. When you repeated it tree times, then I hope you will have more self-confidence.

Today I will present you a very good and funny film. It is a comedy mixed with action. It is a Sandra Bullock movie. It is about an Undercover Operation. Grace Hart is working for the FBI. Her Job is her life. She is now working undercover at a beauty contest. Will she find the evil? The film is calles "Miss Undercover".

I will give the film a 8 from a 10, because the film is funny and exciting, but you already know the offender at the middle. But it is a very good film.

Bye for now,

Your Ella

PS: Here you will find the Trailer to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LwrEnPYHsyQ 

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Chasing Mavericks

Sometimes I have no ideas what the problem is? Nobody knows everything, right?! But why are we looking for an explanation? Everything is an accident and nobody can plan the future. Really nobody! So today is my tip:

Albert Einstein said: "More than the past interests me then the future, because it is  where I intend to live".
Think about his words. Live now. Now you can change things. Not in future. So, when you are one of the person, who move everthing or everyone back then you have to change that. It will never work and it will never be usefull. So, when you have to comfront someone or something then do it and don´t lie. Lies are shells above the truth!

In the film "Chasing Mavericks" Jay Moriarity lives his life everyday in peace and in thankfulness. This film is a true story and it really fastinated me how his lifestyle was. He is my model. The movie is about Jay Moriarity and his passion to surf. It has romance, action and a little bit of an documentation. This film is a model for everyone who want to be someone who is positiv.

I will give this movie an 9.5 from an 10. The film is great, but at one scene it is a bit out of the context.

When you saw that film you will definitely be another person.

Bye for now,

Your Ella

PS: Here you will find the Trailer to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jh09vEGNrXc

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Who cares?

I just saw a film that really brought me to tears. I cried so much and normally I never cry. It isn´t about romance or action or one of the typical movies. It is about us. The world and how we are.

 I want you to close your eyes and imagine how your perfect world is. Maybe freedom or maybe the perfect Technologie. Well, my perfect world is about that nobody really has no suffering, nobody has to fear something. Everything will be fair and in peace.

So don´t ask what the world needs, ask what makes it come alive. For what the world needs is more people who come alive.

I am thinking about all the pain in the world and I am just thinking what are we doing? Why are we doing that? So please colse your eyes again and think. Do I really need money to live? Do I really need all the things to be who I am? Do I really am who I want to be? Well I am not the person who I wanted to be. So my target is to be that person who I always imagined to be.

Why will it be so difficult? Maybe because there are some people in the world, who are angry, jealous and want to be like the others. To change something makes people afraid. To loose something even more, but what if this would change your life? Is it worth it? This is the question! Well, is it worth it to be someone else or to help someone else or just to be you?

This film isn´t like the others. It is inspiring, moving and just the truth. "Who cares?" is directed by  Mara Mourao. The film is an inspiration for anyone who dreams of a change in his life and looking at his job for a true sense. The film is making the world human. I will give this movie an 10 from an 10. It is touching, moving and motivating to change the world on your own way.

Please think about what I wrote!

Bye for now,

Your Ella

PS: Here you will find the Trailer to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yKNhH9tdzd4

Thursday, May 14, 2015

The Host

Today I will present a romantic mixed with science fiction and a little bit mixed with a Thriller movie directed by Andrew Niccol. The film is about Souls.
The humans has been taken over by aliens. They are called "Souls". The Souls take over the Body of the people. They are able to access the host's memories. But the eyes of the Souls are clear blue. They really shine.
Melanie Stryder is the leading lady. She is captured in a soul called "Wanderer."
A Seeker is trying to get into Melanie´s memories. Only then she will find the people who survived.
But Melanie and Wanderer are fighting against the Seeker, but they are not alone.
The film came out in 2013.
I will give the movie an 9 from an 10. It has everything. A love story, thriller and it is really touching, but sometimes the action is missing. The film is great!
Life moves pretty fast if you don´t stop and look around once in a while you could miss it.
Yesterday I wrote abot how you can Change you life. I said:
- be happy with yourself
If you can´t like you how someone else should do?
-Do what you love
If you hate your job are what you are doing you can change it. Never forget you have your life in your hand! So if it is impossible to quit your job, find something as a hobby that you love to do.
 - Find something or someone what or who is worth living.
If you have already someone or something try to keep it or him/her
- Be thankful that you have
There live People with almost nothing and they are thankful if they have Food. Now think what you have. A home, a Computer and hope Food. So why do you want more and more if you already have so much? Think about that! Tomorrow you will find out more.
Bye for now,
Your Ella
PS: Here you will find the Trailer to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SRKjf8b4f2E

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Beautiful day

Today was a very beautiful day and I have learned something. It really doesn´t matter, if people would say that you are , well I don´t know, if you are to big, to small, to thick or to thin. What I learned today was that it doesn´t matter what people think about you. It just matter what you think about yourself. You have to like "you", then other people will like you aswell. Know self-confidence matters.

A man and woman embracing, side view.This film isn´t for people, who like horror or maybe action. But when you like romance and tragedy then is this film just perfect for you. The movie is called "the vow". It is a very dramatic film.

Paige Collins played by Rachel McAdams and her husband played by Channing Tatum are the perfect family. It is about a true story of Kim and Krickitt Carpenter. At their way home they have an accident. Paige loose her memories about Leo. What now? Now she has to fall in love with her husband again. The film is directed by Michael Sucsy. 

I would give the movie an 8.5 from an 10, because the film has really everything, but sometimes the thread is missing. Channing Tatum and Rachel McAdams played a great couple together. Well done!

So yesterday I wrote "Please answer this question with the truth. Are you doing the same every day? Are you happy with your life? And do you sometimes think I diserve more than this? When you answered 2 from 3 with true then you really should change things. How?! So how you can change your life is very difficult, but their are some  important things:
- be happy with yourself
If you can´t like you how someone else should do?
-Do what you love
If you hate your job are what you are doing you can change it. Never forget you have your life in your hand! So if it is impossible to quit your job, find something as a hobby that you love to do.
Tomorrow you will find more answers.

Bye for now,

Your Ella

PS: Here you will find the trailer to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8swF2-R6X9A

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Red dawn

Sometimes you don´t know what you did wrong. Sometimes you think why did I say that? Sometimes you just want to dissapear. But this will stop! 

In the film "Red dawn" teenies are fighting for their home and rights from an invasion of North Korean soldiers.  The film is directed by Dan Bradley. I would give the film an 6 from an 10, because in the movie there is a lot of action, but almost all the time. The film is touching full with action and a little bit of a love story. The film is all about being a team and holding together and to stand up and fight. The film represent, that you can stand up and say your opinion. 

So why can´t we sometimes say our opinion? Is it so difficult to be yourself?  A lot of people are losing their self-conscious. Why? Is it, because you are afraid to be embarrassed? I just mean, what can do so bad that could destroy your life. Okay! That is a bit to much, but we only live once. Why not doing something stupid instead doing things that you do every day. 

Please answer this question with the truth. Are you doing the same every day? Are you happy with your life? And do you sometimes think I diserve more than this? When you answered 2 from 3 with true then you really should change things. How?! Read my Post tomorrow then you will find out!

Bye for now,

Your Ella

PS: Here you will the trailer to the film: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nGoe7BdGdlg

Monday, May 11, 2015

Every day

Every day can be a new start. Every day something good and bad can happen. Every day you can change your life. Every day you could watch an amazing movie.

Today I will present you a great film. I thought it would be good if I will present you an action movie. This movie is a Marvel film. It is the film "Guardians of the Galaxy". The film is mixed with action, comedy and drama.

The film is about Peter Quill. His mom died on cancer. He got abducted by a spaceship at the day of her death. 26 years later his name is Star - Lord. Sorry, but the name is funny! So he gets the job to get a metal ball, called Orb. But as well Rocket and Groot want to to get Peter. Oh and not to forget Ronan he is a Kree and a enemy from the planet Xandar. Then there is his adoptive daughters Gamora. She should get the Orb for Ronan. Not to fotget Drax. He wants to take revenge on Ronan, because he killed his family. So Peter, Rocket, Groot, Gamora and Drax are fighting against Ronan. How will win at the end?

I will give the movie an 7 from a 10, because the film is really good. It has everything inside. Action, comedy and drama, but sometimes it is a bit too much. You really should watch the film if you didn´t already watched it.

My favorite scene is the end. It is dynamic, touching and just overwhelming. But I wont tell to much, because you really should see it!

Bye for now,
Your Ella

PS. Here you will find the trailer for the movie : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y8Dig8JgqRs

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Beyond the lights

I know that sometimes everone feel different then the other people. Sometimes you think, why can´t I be like her or him? The thing is why do you wan´t to be like her or him? My friend always says that everyone is beautiful in their own way. After she said that I thought about her words. It is true, but also when you know that wouldn´t you be sometimes jeaulous or angry on another person? Please close your eyes and or not and say loudly or in your mind "I am (your name), and I want to be a (.....)!" So when you know what you want to do and what you want to be make a plan. Every wish can come true!

Today I am going to show a film about a popstar, who is sad about what she is and who she became, but then she meets someone and throw him she know what she want to be and maybe she will furfil her dreams. The film is called "Beyond the lights". Noni is a famous singer and her hero is Kaz Nicol. He is a cop. The film is a drama mixed with love storie. The film is directed by Gina Prince- Bythewood. I will give the movie an ranking from 1 to 10 a 8. The film really is moving, sad and touching. But sometimes the thread is missing. The film is perfect for a new start.

What can´t miss is popcorn and a cup of hot chocolat. Maybe you don´t want to see a movie so maybe you want to listen to music. The perfect silent music is "the river flows in you" by Yiruma. The song is perfect for thinking. Hope you will enjoy the film and the song and never forget that you can furfil your dreams if you want to!

Bye for now, Your Ella
PS: Here you will find the trailer to the film : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rieoWn9BdrQ
And the song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyTBCaCnYco

Saturday, May 9, 2015

A rainy day

My blog is about feeling good. My name is Ella J. Gloss. I am a teenager that wants to know the world. Why do we complicate all? Why do we have problems and can’t solve them? My blog should inspire people who feel lonely, angry or searching for something new. We have our life in our hands. Why to be disappointed when we can be what we want? So let´s get lost and be prepared to start our own adventure! In my blog you will find movies, music, books or just tips that will help you to cheer up! 

What do you do on a rainy day? Well, I watch movies, read books or listen to music. I love rain, but sometimes it is really anoying. Today is my first post! I thought I will wright about some films that you can see when it is rainy or you just don´t want to go outside.

But first I will say something about myself. I am a girl that says her opinion and I try to enjoy my life. Of course I have good and bad days. My biggest fear is just to dissapear. I am not afraid from spiders or to die. I am afraid not to fulfill my dreams. What is my solution? I made a list. 20 things that I want to do before I die. This is my tip for you. When you don´t know what you want to do out of your life just make a list or just write down your target. Maybe write it on an canvas and hang it on the wall, where you will see it everday. Good Luck!

My first movie is about a comedy mixed with a little love story and drama. "It´s kind of a funny story". The film is about Craig. He is depressed and he checks himself into an adult psychatric ward. The film represents the problems of an teenager. The problems are things that are so little and normal, but sometimes you see in them big problems. Craig meets new friends and is facing his problems. The film is perfect for a rainy day, because you just have to laugh and then you feel better. I will give this movie an ranking from 1 to 10 an 7, because it is humorous and moving at the same time. 

I hope your day will be better after the movie. When you want you can write your favorite scene in the comments below.

Be back soon,

Your Ella J. Gloss

PS: Here you will find the trailer to the film: